15 January 2025

Orbs and Spirituality

Photo taken from the website Pure Spiritual

David Derrington ponders if there are connections between Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UFOs), past religious revivals and the contemporary spiritual quest. Is our planet entertaining angels unawares, or are we being visited by some other form of Non-human Intelligence?


Orbs aka “drones” are in the news, especially since this photo (below) taken by a pilot from his plane at Manchester Airport has gone viral.

Are we living in the Great Apostasy? (2)

In the long-awaited second part of his essay Ray Caldwell asks 'What is the Great Apostasy?'

(Part I here)

"The Great Apostasy is a concept within Christianity to describe a perception that mainstream Christian churches have fallen away from the original faith founded by Jesus and promulgated through His twelve apostles" (James E. Talmage from his book The Great Apostasy).

07 January 2025

A New Year Service of Prayer for Peace in 2025

Before the start of the service

On Monday 6th January, at 2.00pm, members of St David's C-in-W church and St Mary Magdalene Catholic parish came together to pray for an end to war and violence in 2025. 
Rev. Roland presided and Fr Ian offered a reflection taking this passage from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount as his starting-point:

02 December 2024

Are we now living in the Great Apostasy? (1)

by Ray Caldwell

Is original sin no longer applicable?

Is the message of salvation from our sins through obedience to the gospel of Jesus Christ now null and void?

Do we no longer need to be born again through baptism and filled with the Holy Spirit?

Charles Darwin 1809 – 1882, portrayed as an ape in a cartoon
in The Hornet Magazine, 22nd March 1871

27 November 2024

Assisted Suicide: a look at the issues

Recently the Catholic Union of Great Britain hosted a panel discussion on the upcoming parliamentary bill that seeks to legalise 'assisted dying' in England and Wales. The Evangelical Alliance has also been very active in presenting Christian moral arguments against the bill.  

Below are three links.

12 November 2024

Our response to God: a reverent love

By Fr Ian

In previous posts I suggested we ask ourselves three big questions about Christian faith and spiritual life: who is God? What is he like? What, if anything, does he ask of us? 

In this post I’d like to give an answer to the third question, and I’ll start by referring to a passage from Saint Augustine’s Confessions, which ends with what is probably one of the most famous single sentences in the history of Christianity:

Orbs and Spirituality

Photo taken from the website Pure Spiritual David Derrington ponders if there are connections between Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UFO...