29 October 2024

Conscious choice-maker: the definition of what I am

Ray Caldwell reflects on the reality of human free will, responsibility and accountability. Despite the fall of our first parents human beings are still essentially defined by our capacity to decide freely to choose good or evil, love or sin, heaven or hell.


"I am an invisible spirit who chooses, chooses, chooses, all my conscious existence". This is called free-will.

21 October 2024

God reveals himself to us (5)

by Father Ian

'It seems that many church members today lack a developed sense of God’s overwhelming holiness and divinity and majesty. Instead, their attitude is nonchalant, casual, indifferent. What this almost certainly means, unfortunately, is that they have not yet had a significant encounter with God in their lives. If they had, they would have begun to realise how inappropriate casualness, nonchalance and indifference are.'

In a recent short book Catholic theologian Ulrich Lehner 'reintroduces Christians 
to the true God: not the polite, easygoing, divine therapist who doesn't ask much of us, but 
the Almighty God who is unpredictable, awe-inspiring, and demands our entire lives.  
(Click on the picture for the book's Amazon UK page.)

A change in awareness

‘2025 is the time for an expansion of human consciousness that will shock some, but be welcomed by others,’ argues David Derrington, in thi...