02 December 2024

Are we now living in the Great Apostasy? (1)

by Ray Caldwell

Is original sin no longer applicable?

Is the message of salvation from our sins through obedience to the gospel of Jesus Christ now null and void?

Do we no longer need to be born again through baptism and filled with the Holy Spirit?

Charles Darwin 1809 – 1882, portrayed as an ape in a cartoon
in The Hornet Magazine, 22nd March 1871

The impact of evolutionary theory

Since the mid-19th century we’ve been through
 a process of ‘Evolution usurping Creation’, until the Church establishments crumbled and their buildings were left abandoned and empty.

Schools today are in the grip of atheist educational programmes. As Darwin's evolution theory gained mass acceptance, secular entertainment reached new heights. Fascinating and intriguing cartoons and movies mesmerised parents and children alike, rendering captive audiences inactive. Whole families gazed at the tv screen while lounging on the sofa for hours.

Contrast this phenomenon with the era just prior to this current age of technological wizardry: families and friends would make their own entertainment singing around the parlour piano. Perhaps others joined the singers with recorders or violins. Everyone would use their own initiative and resources to create their own entertainment.

Fast food deliveries now replace traditional family mealtimes. The Sunday newspaper and magazine read at home supplants church attendance with preaching and hymn singing.

Throughout the 20th Century another spiritual search sprang up in the ‘Christian’ West: interest in Eastern religions and philosophies. These seemed to satisfactorily explain life and reality for a mass of people who still experienced spiritual yearnings, despite being taught by our governments that God does not exist, as science and atheism progress hand in hand.

While Eastern religions ‘proved’ the existence of God, quantum physics came along and underpinned their claims: that the ‘universe’ is indeed conscious and a higher intelligence than ourselves has, in new age language, ‘manifested’ the orderly material universe.

Perhaps we do not believe in God at all, basing all our suppositions on our observation of the natural world: the way that creatures compete and fight, kill in a process of survival of the fittest and natural selection: dog eat dog. This would be the modern scientific observable approach rather than relying on an internal felt experience in our conscience.

The Reality of Original Sin

I would like to try to explain why I believe that humanity still needs a saviour - Jesus Christ - and why I still believe in the reality of original sin and sin.

Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden by Pere Mates (1500-1558)

The conviction that we inherit original sin and as humans we have a tendency to sin, was firmly felt and deeply held by the millions who accepted the Christian faith and filled church buildings throughout the world in the pre-industrial age. The conversion of huge numbers of people to Christianity in the centuries preceding the electronic and technological age is undeniable. Were they all gullible and misled?

Their turning to the Christian faith and church membership was a result of their felt sin, the conviction of both their inherent condition as well as their own unique personal sins, and their consequential belief in Jesus Christ as the saviour of the world. They were convinced that they had a need to 'save their souls’. These millions of believing converts did not respond to anything other than the Gospel as it was preached by the apostles of Jesus Christ themselves, in the first century AD.

Gospel or New Age?

And yet, the spiritual fire of this gospel preaching and gospel fervour seems to have definitely left the churches.

We could compare, for example, the empty pews in the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches in my town, with the massive popularity of, and interest in "Self Help", ‘Law of Attraction’, ‘Power of Intention’, "Ask the Universe’ – ‘I am a god or goddess’ doctrines explained in countless books of Eastern philosophy and spirituality with support from quantum physics and psychology.
 "Even more than Western Culture believes in Christianity, it believes in psychology. Psychology and self-help books consistently top bestseller lists ..." (A Course in Miracles Made Easy by Alan Cohen p. 113)

Are we all, in fact gods and goddesses and is the ego and sin just an illusion like the material world?

The Antichrist: enemy of God and man

The writers of the gospels and rest of the New Testament make an irreconcilable distinction between Jesus Christ and the Antichrist.

The Antichrist, left, with the attributes of a king, by Herrad of Landsberg (about 1180),
From the 12th-century Hortus deliciarum 

The Antichrist would/will be the representative of everyone who does not believe in original sin and personal sin per se, everyone who disbelieves the account of the fall of humanity in Genesis and the real need for the salvation of our souls through obedience to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Anyone who likes and appreciates the teachings of Jesus, who believes that he was a healer using supernatural means, believes he was a significant and/or enlightened spiritual being: YET DENIES THE ORIGINAL SIN THAT ALL HUMANS INHERIT AS WELL AS DENIES THE SINFUL NATURE AND BEHAVIOUR OF EACH OF US
(that is our real tendency to make mistakes - to miss the mark) - this person has the mind of Antichrist. That person has no felt need of a Saviour, or for the salvation of their soul.

This is not my thinking or my understanding – a conviction of one's sin and of the need for one's salvation is central to the gospels and New Testament. The following quotes are from the First Epistle of John in the New Testament (The Holy Bible).

I JOHN 1:8,9 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

I JOHN 2:22 Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ (Saviour). He is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son.

I JOHN 4:3 and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, .....

I JOHN 4:14 And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son as Saviour of the world.

I JOHN 5:5 Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?

And so, I ask, is this present time momentous falling away from the fundamental gospel message safe? Do we no longer have to account for our sins because:
  • a truly loving God would know nothing except love and definitely would not punish;
  • sin is just an illusion, a dream from which we need to awake;
  • I am not a bad person because I was born inherently good and fully lovable;
  • God doesn't exist;
  • We don't need Jesus Christ to access God because everyone is a part of God?
In what follows I will try to see if the present age could match up to the prophecy of The Great Apostasy as prophesied in the New Testament epistles; that is, the falling-away from New Testament biblical belief and faith in Jesus Christ especially concerning His central role as incarnate Son of God and Saviour of the world.

Part Two: What is the Great Apostasy? to follow.


Raymond said...

If you disagree with any or all of this, please tell me and let me know why! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

A good description of the change in understanding Ray. In your list of reasons why we no longer think we need the "sin" doctrine, you have described me pretty well. I have never even thought what is meant by the word Antichrist, (I assumed it referred to the Devil). But from your criteria, I am pleased to be one.!
Yes, we do now have a better understanding of how our brains and psychological /
chemistry processes work and we understand more of our needs for symbols and stories. The "original sin" and forgiveness symbolism may help many people in their spiritual and material lives. But I worry when humans think that their particular symbols should be forced onto others, or that others are wrong. (Never forget the Inquisition!)

Most so-called "original sin" is just the exercise of our evolved survival instincts, so yes it is innate within us. But so is the evolved instinct to group together and care for each other to ensure our survival. And the instinct to seek our own spiritual/psychological healing and happiness.Is there a doctrine of "original care" or "original happiness "?
Jesus constantly talked about a god of Love and how Heaven is within us and said he came to bring joy in all its fullness. Where does that fit in?

Anonymous said...

Hi Ray,
Like you I worry about the way technology and social media is changing the way people live, and the effects on our society. However, to look to the past as a kind of utopia that we all ought to want to return to, is simply nonsense. Yes a few people gathered around the piano and the roaring log fire to sing happy songs, but the reality of life in the past was often brutal.
Poverty, malnutrition (And I'm old enough to remember some of that), insanitary living conditions, no medicare, no health and safety at work, no welfare state, the work house, innumerable mental institutions - I'm ashamed to say it, - "nut houses" we used to call them in my childhood. (Handy for getting rid of the difficult people in society. Denbigh was our closest, so just the very name Denbigh was synonymous with being crazy), "work houses", insanitary overcrowded prisons, death penalty for the most simple crimes - later, in more enlightened times, transport to Australia! Children's "homes" for all the vagrant and excessive unwanted children, child and adult sexual abuse, that was simply pushed under the carpet, or given a "wink / wink. Rule by an unelected elite, ............ the list goes on and on, innumerable wars, pious hypocracy in our religious institutions.
Ray if you want to look towards better things, don't look back "it wern't that sweet!" Please look to the future, look how you can better your own life and those around you today and in the years ahead. You are fooling yourself if you think that the past was all nice and rosy.
Also, if you think that obsessing about sin and "original sin" is going to get us anywhere useful, then good luck to you, I won't be following in your wake. The comments of the previous commentator are very valid.
A pristine perfect world is unrealistic, and actually I would argue that by its very nature of being "pristine" is not a reality that any of us would enjoy. Pristine is not perfect!!!! We have to learn to live with the reality of life in all its complexities. Thats the message I get from Jesus.
Happy Christmas

Raymond said...

Hi dear person! First, I am grateful that you read my writing! Really, to be ignored is the lowest score! Second, I am not forcing my ideas, beliefs or symbols. I am not qualified to do so. I have not seen God or Jesus face to face. I cannot categorically claim the I am right and that others are wrong. Third, as I am looking at the Gnostic view right now, I note how the proponents know so little of the New Testament and cite facts out of context. "Although Jesus delivered a pure healing message .." (That expert has written 24 books). Perhaps that is true for the Gospel of Thomas, if you ignore the rest. But good for you for asserting your opinion and what you believe. Please write an article and send it to Fr. Ian.
I note your final question and will contemplate it for the time being. Love from us.

Anonymous said...

Hi Roland. As I said to the former, I am so glad you commented. In my bizarre calculations this gives me 1 out of 10 rather than 0! So, I haven't lost you? YET?! Now for you, sir! First, there is a lot more in my article than you picked up on. You think I am nostalgic about a past golden age? I've read The Power of Now brother! I am living in the present moment, well fed, comfortable and warm. So comfortable that I can sit on my backside writing this stuff in the present moment. Second, a pristine world in our present reality is a non-starter, for me. I certainly am not embracing the Jehovah'' Witness vision. Third, did you really get that message from Jesus? I cannot claim categorically that I did. Fourth, I wish you'd "come out" and state your doctrine. It's rather confusing when an ordained clergyman doesn't believe or accept certain Biblical fundamentals. Normally, I would have expected you to preach the Westminster Catechism. You wear the robes so what's it all about? What do you believe? Why do you continue with the Bible? Who was Jesus in your evaluation? No criticism of your good self. I am in no place of total certainty. Free speech, one each!!!
Love from us and also we hope you enjoy a wonderful Christmas with your loved ones. Thanks for bearing with me.

Raymond said...

Ladies and gentlemen!!! If you could possibly comment on my first 3 statements, I would love it! For example for statement #1: "I believe original sin is no longer applicable because .... "

Anonymous said...

EVERYONE!!! Could we own one of the following? 1 I don't believe in Jesus. Jesus Christ is irrelevant. 2 I believe in the New Testament Jesus that the Jews possibly reject: "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven." (Luke 10.18); Again the high priest asked him, saying to him, Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed? And Jesus said : "I am. And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven." (Luke 14:61,62) 3 A spiritual master who taught personal awakening, self-discovery and knowledge, expanding consciousness, someone who demonstrated how everyone could find the divine within themselves; who challenged dogma and religious hierarchies and taught that we could all have Christ-consciousness, just like him (he was not unique, just one of us). Which one do you own? Something different?

Anonymous said...

My only response to a lot of the words written above is :
"I'm not a fundamentalist, so I can see both the positives and the not so positives in the bible." Talking to fundamentalists is like trying to get conversation with a brick wall. Sorry but life is just too short, it bores me. I'd rather be just "out there," living in the wonderful, messy real world of life, crying, laughing, despairing, loving, (even hating - can't have one without the other, just as light has no meaning without its opposite - darkness.) Anyway, I'm wasting my time, talking to fundamentalists is pointless. I even had one yesterday trying to tell me that the world is flat!!!
Lord help us! Thank goodness most the people on this earth are relatively sane.
PS I'm not calling everyone above a fundamentalist, some very thoughtful comments are expressed. So thank you.
Roland - a proud vicar in the Church in Wales, realising that our main role as a church is to preach and live sanely!

Anonymous said...

Dear Roland. Bravo for engaging! Thank you for expressing your opinion. Looks like, hopefully something from Dave D is imminent! I am not interested in the "fundamental" label for whoever. I am interested in THE BIBLE. I am interested in the deepest level of why we exist. This one is a "fundamentalist" that one is an "evangelical" this one is a Catholic, that one is an Anglican. No, my view is get to the New Testament and state the truth about yourself. Do you have to label others? WHAT IS "PREACH AND LIVE SANELY"? WHAT EXACTLY DO YOU BELIEVE ABOUT JESUS CHRIST? WHAT EXACTLY DO YOU BELIEVE ABOUT THE BIBLE? That is what I would like to know. Good day!

Fr Ian said...

Ray has made some strong statements about secularisation, the waning of Christian faith - at least in the Western world - the influence of the theory of evolution, the doubts entertained even by professing Christians about the fall of mankind, original sin and personal sin - all standard, traditional and central Christian beliefs.

The Great Apostasy...the rise of the Antichrist...heady stuff!

Speaking personally, I want to wait until I've read more of his articles on these subjects (I think there are at least another two in the pipeline) and then make some comments and responses.

Anonymous said...

So far, in my searching, I have only got as far as number 3 above: "3 A spiritual master who taught personal awakening, self-discovery and knowledge, expanding consciousness, someone who demonstrated how everyone could find the divine within themselves; who challenged dogma and religious hierarchies and taught that we could all have Christ-consciousness, just like him (he was not unique, just one of us)." Obviously, this makes me a weak Christian but still a Christian never the less. Best wishes to all, Richard.

Raymond said...

Thank you for piping up, Richard! Yours is perhaps a Gnostic Jesus. None of us should really take fixed mental positions. Have any of us died and returned here? Crossed over and seen the afterlife? Personally, I think truth is worth the searching. What the heck are we here for? Who decided for us to be who we are? Is there an afterlife? Are there any conditions? Do we need to be saved? Worth finding out while we're here? Best wishes for your Happy Christmas and New Year. Thanks for engaging.

Anonymous said...

Rather a late comment- but I would like to say that a "proper " Christian merely claims to be a follower of the teachings of Jesus (as far as we know them)- whatever that may mean to people . There is absolutely no requirement to be a follower of any man-made church doctrines or any church at all.
Doctrines thought up by church officials have no relationship to Christianity at all. They are merely a useful record of how fashions of thought changes through the ages- and of how wrong clergy and churches have been in the past- and now. NO church can claim it has some divine right when it is all just man-made ideas.
Did Jesus ever produce a load of doctrinal dogmas? I don't think so. He was just trying to lead people to experience God as he had done.
I certainly don't accept the truth of the Bible- that is also just written by people and we will all pick out the bits that suit our personality and follow them. But whatever horrors the churches have done through history, amazingly one thread has carried on through, which even atheists respect- the Jesus who preached love and peace.
Thank you , Roland, for trying to make "Jesus-following" real instead of a load of man-made words.

Raymond said...

An interesting comment, so thanks. May I quote you 4 times?
1. "a 'proper' Christian merely claims to be a follower of the teachings of Jesus." (Where does that definition appear?)
I would say that a true Christian is one who believes that Jesus Christ was the "long for awaited Messiah as foretold by the prophets".
Certainly, the New Testament teaching seems to endorse faith in Jesus Christ, that is, believing that he was who he claimed to be. It follows that if you do believe, you will read and try to apply his teachings in your actions.
2. "He was just trying to lead people to experience God as he had done."
That is a part of it, but not all. He was challenging people to believe, to have faith, that He was the Messiah.
3. What are the DOCTRINAL DOGMAS to which you refer?
"Doctrines thought up by church officials have no relationship to Christianity at all." Really? (Do you have any more on this hypothesis? Are doctrines 'thought up' or are they the results of research, scholarship and agreement?)
4. "I certainly don't accept the truth of the Bible".
Free will. "Free speech - one each!"

Raymond said...

1 "Jesus constantly talked about a god of Love and how
2 Heaven is within us
3 and said he came to bring joy in all its fullness.
4 Where does that fit in?".

Dear anonymous person. To try to answer your final question:

1. He did not. You will realize this if read the words of Jesus in the 4 Gospels. Perhaps Jesus constantly talked about a god of love in the Gnostic gospels - I don't know?

2. Yes, He did say at one point that heaven is within us (LUKE 17:21) Most or all the other references seem to indicate that heaven is a state or place where God dwells and is attainable through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ whom Christians are then exhorted to follow/ read/ put into practice.
We can know from the from the teachings of Jesus and the book of Revelation, that heaven is the kingdom of Christ and not a kingdom of this world and not our current state of being. A couple of references only:
LUKE 21:11 and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.
JOHN 3:13 And no one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, even the Son of Man who is in heaven.

3 He said He came that we might have life and that we may have it more abundantly. (JOHN 10:10)
Is that the passage you are thinking of?

4 I would suppose that this all fits in, when experienced by Christians who are successfully living in community, by faith, and consummately in heaven.

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