Photo taken from the website Pure Spiritual |
David Derrington ponders if there are connections between Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UFOs), past religious revivals and the contemporary spiritual quest. Is our planet entertaining angels unawares, or are we being visited by some other form of Non-human Intelligence?
Orbs aka “drones” are in the news, especially since this photo (below) taken by a pilot from his plane at Manchester Airport has gone viral.
While I believe that significant disclosure – well beyond this decade's two close-chested Congressional hearings on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (aka UFOs) - is inevitable, and that believers need to be prayerfully attentive to developments as they unfold, I'm sending this piece on orbs to FFF with an essentially spiritual focus and intention.

The 1904-5 Welsh Revival
Paranormal phenomena accompanying the 1904-5 Welsh Revival played a significant part in its global impact:
Constitution d'Atlanta, Sunday 12th March, 1905
The 1904-5 Welsh Revival
Paranormal phenomena accompanying the 1904-5 Welsh Revival played a significant part in its global impact:
Constitution d'Atlanta, Sunday 12th March, 1905
Special Cable, London, March 11:
"Mrs. Mary Jones, the wife of a farmer at Egryn, is rapidly becoming one of the most noteworthy personages in the Welsh religious revival...The "Lights of Egryn" have become a household word in the Principality, and they are regarded as a "divine seal" set upon the mission of Mrs. Jones...She insisted, among other things, that a star--her star, she styled it--settled over the chapel at [Rhondda?--nearly illegible] where she preached on Saturday night, and that mysterious lights accompanied her on her journey home. "One of them lashed into my carriage," she said. "It was a glowing ball of fire of exceeding brightness, but perfectly harmless."
However they may have been understood at the time, it would seem that “The Egryn Lights” were manifesting, like other orbs associated with worship in recent years, a certain spiritual curiosity. And whether or not the orbs at Egryn should be understood as angelic or divine in origin, there is significant testimony that their presence caused some, who might otherwise have not wished to know, to give attention and to respond to the revival message.
Sought out by an orb during lockdown
During lockdown on the Isle of Sheppey I was visited by a glowing ball of fire of exceeding brightness, but perfectly harmless. At the time I knew nothing of Mary Jones' experience in her carriage, but reading the account a few days ago I instantly thought of what happened that morning.
I woke up before sunrise and decided to take my one permitted outing that day to have a time of worship on the sea wall and watch the sunrise. I remember that it was a “noisy time” (as opposed to a 'Quiet Time') but no-one else was around until I looked over the Estuary and saw a bright light to the left of the Sun.
My first thought was: If that's Venus, then it wasn't there last time I looked. It was way brighter and a beautiful sunrise so I reached for my phone and took pictures, suddenly realising that this orb was coming towards me. It touched the ground to my right...and disappeared.
If I hadn't been in a deep place of worship and union I might well have been a bit scared but my memory is that I just carried on with my “noisy time” undistracted. It was only looking at the photos over breakfast that I realised something strange had happened.
I don't believe it was angelic or divine in origin – it had nothing to say to me. But I do believe that whatever intelligence directed that orb in my direction “wanted to know” what was going on. Motivated by spiritual curiosity.
Spiritual curiosity
In vain the first-born Seraph tries
To sound the depths of Love Divine
- from a verse in Wesley's great hymn And can it be?, based on 1 Peter 1:13.
If angels desire to look into the outworking of human redemption, which they as purely spiritual beings cannot experience, could it be that at least some other Non-human Intelligences are also wanting to know about The Good News of Jesus on The Blue Planet? Maybe NHIs wanted in on the 1904-5 Welsh Revival...
2025 - 2030
I honestly cannot see this decade ending without disclosures regarding Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena which will bring not only answers to questions but a seismic rethink for humanity.
George Bush Sr, former US President and one time director of the US Central Intelligence Agency, reportedly stated that the American people could not handle the truth regarding what were then called UFOs.
1. How will we, in the Church, “handle the truth”?
1. How will we, in the Church, “handle the truth”?
2. How will we, in the Church, help those around us who are struggling to “handle the truth”?
3. How would we feel if a Non-human Intelligence wanted to know more about our experience of God?
Hi Dave. Thanks for your interesting article. May I request you to expound your questions?
"1.How will we, in the Church, “handle the truth”?" What does that mean? What truth? I thought Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life?
"2. ... who are struggling to handle the truth"?" What truth? Who is struggling and why?
"3 Non-human Intelligence" (AI? or Aliens from another planet? Is this what you mean? Or devils or demons?)
We, in the Church, hopefully base our lives and experience on sound doctrine, don't we?
Or are you supposing that Aliens and AI will refute the entire Bible narrative?
Jolly interesting ...
Hello David,
'Looking at the recent Forum posts
and photographs of "Orbs", I think they are just dead flower heads of small wildflowers of the Dandelion family (Taraxacum)
I have a photo of a "normal" UK dandelion clock that I took a few years ago. The orbs in the Forum's forest photo seem to have the same structure. There are apparently 250 species in the Taraxacum (Dandelion) genus in different sizes and colours, and many subspecies too. Clocks from small, dead flowerheads would blow around very easily, catching the light as they float past in the breeze, or "hang" in the air in calm weather. They would look ethereal and beautiful. But maybe not angels or aliens!
Pauline B (Harlech)
Yes, aren't they delightful. Kids of every generation love trying to blow off all the seeds in one go - as I still do. They float around our garden and on a full moonlit night one could imagine them to be "orbs"!!!
Mainly in response to Ray, I'm posting something I wrote a little while ago in another forum: I'm in the middle of some writing about Mark 16:15 - "to all the creation"...and this is from it: "I believe that at least some Non-human Intelligences involved with the Blue Planet at this time, while they are not direct “Divine intervention”, are nonetheless part of Divine Providence and Common Grace.
Without any disrespect for the witness and ministry of the Church, it has to be recognised that not many leaders or governments are paying much attention to “Peace on Earth, goodwill to men”.
We believe in angelic rescues, but we are thankful to God for the emergency services.
We believe in Divine healing, but we're thankful to God for the NHS.
The predominance of UAP sightings near nuclear facilities gives credence to the claims of Close Encounter contactees that Non-human Intelligences are here to help humanity avoid thermonuclear catastrophe.
If this proves to be the case, and if it is part of bringing about a better future for Planet Earth, wouldn't we be thankful to God for ETs ? We wouldn't worship them, any more than we worship doctors or firefighters, but we'd be glad they were around".
Trust this covers the main direction of your queries Ray...tbc
David asks how will we, in the church, handle the truth? But the truth about ufos and alien intelligences is far from clear. I don't consider some of the sources mentioned by David as entirely reliable, as there may be motivated by a desire to confuse and deceive. After all, UFO enthusiasts have long claimed that the American government has lied about sightings in the sense of denying that there were any real alien spaceships etc. But now government agencies are suddenly enthusiastically encouraging the belief that the sky is full of 'non-human intelligences' trying to communicate with us. I smell a rat, even if it's the rare six-legged multilingual Valonian rat from the planet Zon.
As Dr Hoo points out, truth about Non-Human Intelligences has been entangled with multiple narratives and agendas over time...and in these days of social media and fake news the complexity increases. But...stuff is happening and whistles are being blown by people with credentials, first person experience and evidence. It would be better without the music and the hype, but this is a step further than most in the Public Domain Humankind is on the cusp of having to engage, like it or not, with intelligences with capabilities beyond ours - Artificial General Intelligence and Non-Human Intelligences. Things could go right or wrong for humankind and for the planet. If we believe that God has Wisdom for His Creation, then January 2025 is a good time to be asking Him about AGI and NHI...and listening.
Life Jim but not as we know it
...and now might just be a good time to get to know a bit more about it.
Just published this - on Jacob Barber's disclosure
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